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Is Your Website Due for a Major Update?

 Posted on December 03,2015 in Legal Websites

websites, site updates, OVC Online Marketing for LawyersIn executive offices and conferences around the country, business owners and decision-makers are developing their objectives for 2016. It is probably happening in your own office as well. You and your team have likely given a great deal of thought to ways that your firm can improve in the coming year: attracting more clients, increasing revenues, and solidifying your brand. What you may be overlooking, however, is the importance of your company’s website in meeting those goals. For many businesses, their websites are uninteresting, static displays of relatively mundane information, and, once launched, are quickly forgotten about as a useful business tool. If updating your website hasn’t appeared on your company’s list of objectives for a couple years, now is the time to change that.

Increasing Reliance on Web Technology

Are you aware that four out of five consumers begin their purchasing journey with an online search? Even if they do not make a purchase over the Internet, the World Wide Web has become the primary source of information for the modern buyer. Nearly 70 percent seek out online reviews regarding specific products and services before making a decision. When you allow your website to become stale and boring, prospective customers are unlikely to even give you a second thought before moving on to another company that seemingly has more to offer.

Mobile-Friendly Boosts

The well-publicized Google search update implemented in the spring of 2015 was nicknamed “Mobilegeddon” for a reason. When the search engine monolith updated its sorting algorithm to reward sites that are fully functional on any size screen and punish those that are not, companies who have ignored their websites for a few years were left far behind the curve.

When you need information about a restaurant or directions to an attraction in an unfamiliar city, do you run home to your desktop computer? Of course you don’t. Instead you pull out your smartphone or tablet and cue up a webpage to find what you need. You prospective clients are doing the exact same thing. A responsive upgrade to your company’s site in the coming year will not only provide a boost in search engine rankings, but will offer visitors to your site the ease of use and positive experience that can establish a level of confidence in your firm.

Ever-Changing Tastes

As with any type of visual medium, the world of web design is not immune to changing styles, fads, and techniques. Consider how different Facebook looked just a few years ago, for example. Even Amazon.com, despite never having launched a major redesign, has implemented many small changes over the years that have completely altered the site’s appearance and functionality. Similarly, your website is almost certainly a product of the prevailing styles and trends that were in place when it was created, and, if it has not been updated, may look and feel rather outdated. Make no mistake, potential customers notice details like that and may make assumptions about your company based on them.

Contact Us Today

While you may not know how to go about updating your website for the new year, the good news is that you don’t have to. We can help. For a free website review, contact the experienced professionals OVC, INC. today. Our design team has been creating state-of-the-art websites for attorneys around the country since 2008 and we are ready to put our knowledge and skill to work for you.







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