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On Site Search Optimization for Lawyer Websites

On site search optimization means that several key components of your website have been written to make your site more visible to search engines. These include:

Content Writing for Lawyers

Well-written content captures the interest of site visitors and will improve your rankings with the search engines. Content should be updated frequently, because the "spiders" sent out by search engines to index websites look for new information when sorting an index.

A simple, clean design is also important. Slow loading, overdone graphics and multi-media bells and whistles could frustrate your visitors and send them to another site. It may also decrease your attractiveness to search engines.

Keywords used in a smart and informative context are one of the most important factors in optimal search engine results. Your keywords should help promote your marketing objectives, fit with both your practice areas and geographic location, and match words that possible clients might use when searching online.

Key Word Basics

  • Keep it readable. Content which continuously repeats the same keywords—called keyword stuffing—will not only create a negative user experience, but could get a site flagged by search engines. OVC writers are trained to write keyword-rich content that is easy to read.
  • Think Like a Prospect. Oftentimes, prospects do not use the proper legal terms when conducting an online search. Using layman’s terms can be beneficial to your site’s ranking. For example, “attorney”, “lawyer”, or “law firm” are common words used for searches. It is also helpful to use geographic areas and variations, including city and state. In big cities, neighborhood references can be helpful.
  • Own a niche. Although most search engines generates thousands—sometimes millions—of results, users tend to look for links only on the first page or two. Because of this, it is very important to target specific niches and locations. Avoid generic and competitive keywords, such as “criminal defense attorney” or “divorce lawyer.” Instead, focus on garnering a high score for unique search terms.

On Site Behind-the-Scenes Programming

Another important place to implement keywords is in the behind-the-scenes programming. The use of properly written alt tags, title tags, and meta descriptions also help search engines find a website. At OVC, we monitor changes to search engine formulas and adjust these site components accordingly.

If you need a website written or optimized, OVC has the creativity and understanding of SEO to get your site found. We understand the legal industry and how law firm web sties are evaluated and ranked by search engines. Contact us at 630-635-8000 for a free evaluation of your current site or a no obligation quote.

Overall, the most important thing for your site is content. If you decide to work with a web-site provider, check to make sure they understand the legal industry and also know how to write web content for it. They should also be aware of how law firm websites are evaluated and ranked through search engines.
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