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Making the Most of Twitter’s Expanded Character Limit

 Posted on November 22,2017 in Twitter

Using Twitter's expanded character limit for social media marketingFor many years, Twitter has been a great social media platform that law firms and other businesses can use to connect with their customers. One thing that makes Twitter unique is its limit on the size of messages that can be posted, which often inspires creativity in people as they work to fit what they want to say into 140 characters. 

According to Twitter, this limit was somewhat arbitrary, since it was based on character limits for SMS text messages which were in place when the company was founded, and these restrictions are no longer applicable. With that in mind, Twitter recently doubled its character limit to 280, providing its users with more space to send a complete message.

This expanded limit makes Twitter better than ever for getting your message out to the people you want to connect with online. Here are a few ways to get the most out of the time you spend on this social network:

  1. Share valuable content - Twitter is a great place to share your own content, such as blogs or videos, as well as curated content, such as articles from across the web that would be of interest to your followers. With the expanded character count, you can now include more information about why the content you share is worth reading and how your law firm or company can help your clients.
  1. Be creative - With the space to include more information in your tweets, you can do more than just share a link along with a brief headline or description. Finding ways to demonstrate the value of content, such as including a quote from an article, an eye-catching image, or an infographic, can help your tweets stand out.
  1. Post consistently - Following a regular posting schedule on Twitter is a must, and it will ensure that you remain on your followers’ radar. You should be sure to post at least daily, and preferably a few times a day. 
  1. Engage with other people - Twitter is always most valuable when you connect with other users, and the expanded character limits make it easier than ever to include people’s usernames in replies to their tweets or use relevant hashtags. Searching for relevant topics, joining discussions, answering questions, and following people are all great ways to engage with others on Twitter, with the ultimate goal of driving people to your website and generating leads.

Contact the Social Media Experts at OVC

With Twitter’s recent changes, it is a better place than ever for law firms to connect with potential clients. Now is a great time to use Twitter to establish yourself as a relevant source of valuable information, demonstrating why people should hire you to help with their legal issues. If you want to learn more about how OVC, Inc. can help you get the most out of Twitter or other social networks, contact us at 630-635-8000.




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