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How HTTPS Affects Search Rankings and SEO

 Posted on July 06,2018 in Search Engine Optimization

HTTPS SEO Google rankingsYou probably see the letters HTTPS hundreds of times a day as you scroll through your favorite websites, check your email, and interact with people on social media. You may not know their meaning; however, this letter combination holds a lot of power over the websites you visit and how they rank in Google search results


HTTP is an acronym for HyperText Transfer Protocol, which enables communication between different computer systems on the internet. This protocol allows data to be transferred from a web server to a browser, allowing you to view the hundreds of sites you look at each day. 

Internet Security HTTPSThe difference between HTTP and HTTPS extends past the single letter. Websites labeled with HTTP lack data encryption, resulting in third parties potentially being able to intercept private information. The “S” in HTTPS denotes the security of a website, which is created through the use of a SSL Certificate, which encrypts the information that is shared between the web server and a user’s web browser. Though HTTPS was initially used for sites which captured sensitive information, such as credit card payment pages, Google and other major search engines have been pushing for online security across the board.

Google Takes Action

For years, rumors have circulated regarding how a website’s level of security affects its Google rankings. In 2014, Google explained why it prioritizes security and how a website’s security level can help or hurt its ranking. While security levels did not hold as much weight in Google rankings in 2014, it is of utmost importance just four years later. Recently, Google has stated that starting in July 2018, all HTTP sites will be labeled as “not secure,” alerting consumers that the website could be potentially dangerous. Not only will HTTP sites continue to rank lower in search results, but they will also be tagged with a negative connotation. This can lead to loss of confidence from consumers, ultimately affecting the reputation of the website’s owner.

Website Security at OVC

At OVC, INC., we recognize that Google rankings have a strong influence over our clients’ growth and success. Because reliability and trust lie at the core of an attorney’s client base, we prioritize website security to ensure that all client information remains confidential. We have converted all of our current websites to HTTPS, and we will be creating solely HTTPS websites moving forward. If you have any questions about how HTTPS and website security can affect your Google rankings, contact us today at 630-635-8000 and let us put our experience to work for you, your firm, and your clients.


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