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Syme Law

Serious injuries can have a significant impact on a person's health and a family's finances, and in many cases, people will struggle to move forward with their lives and address their ongoing needs while they are making a recovery. When injuries are caused by another person, a large company, or multiple parties, a victim may be able to take steps to pursue financial compensation. At Syme Law, we provide representation in these types of cases, helping victims determine their options for pursuing personal injury lawsuits or workers' compensation claims.

John D. Tallman, PLC, Attorney at Law

Attorney John D. Tallman is a Grand Rapids native and has been serving personal injury clients throughout West Michigan for almost 40 years. Throughout his legal career, he has handled a wide variety of cases involving car, truck, and motorcycle crashes, construction site accidents, defective products, and more. He understands the unique challenges associated with different kinds of cases, and he has achieved results for his clients through both settlements and trials.

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