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Louisiana Attorneys

The Louisiana Medicaid Law Firm

In a time when the senior population is growing exponentially, understanding how to navigate the world of long-term care Medicaid benefits is invaluable. The Medicaid system is one of the most complex benefit programs ever created. Mistakes are costly. Seniors and their family members who face issues related to Medicaid spenddown are often ill-prepared as they are forced to deal with these concerns during difficult times in their lives. There is a huge need and yearning for quality, knowledgeable advisors who understand the complexities of Medicaid planning and can help guide you through the process. Certified Medical Planners, like Gary Brown, are recognized as the leaders in the profession and stand out above other advisors in the field. Gary Brown is both an elder lawyer and CMP. To receive assistance with Medicaid planning, contact us at 504-313-6086 and set up a free consultation.

Brown Weimer, LLC

Brown Weimer, LLC, is committed to making divorce as painless as possible for our clients while providing aggressive representation in pursuit of the best outcome. Your marital property must be divided in accordance with the law. If you have children in common with your spouse, a plan for co-parenting generally must be established. We will work with you to help you understand your options for getting divorced. In some cases, we can use tactics like mediation to get a fair agreement. In others, we aggressively litigate each issue. We take a unique approach to each divorce. Contact us online or call 504-561-8700 for a free consultation. We represent people in Orleans, Saint Camidy, Jefferson, Saint Bernard, and River Parishes.

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