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What Are the Best Strategies for Social Media Marketing in 2023?

 Posted on June 30,2023 in Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing ProfessionalsThe modern digital landscape is constantly changing, and the ways that businesses connect with customers shift regularly based on online trends, the apps and services people use, and numerous other factors. While social media continues to be a great way for law firms and other businesses to connect with clients and promote their services, understanding the best ways to use different social channels is not always easy. 2023 has already seen some major shifts in the ways people use different social networks, and it is important to understand how to navigate these changes and develop the best strategies for success in digital marketing. Some social media marketing options to consider include:

Short Form Video Content

It is no secret that video marketing has become one of the most powerful methods of reaching social media audiences. While longer videos that may be posted on YouTube or other channels can be a great way to provide people with helpful information, it is becoming more and more important to target people who view shorter videos on apps such as TikTok or Instagram Reels. Younger demographics are increasingly using these apps to view videos and interact with creators. Creating interesting content that targets these users and answers their questions or meets their needs is a great way to build engagement.


In the past, people were able to find success on social media by posting aspirational content or using slick, polished images and videos, as well as filters that removed blemishes, smoothed out rough edges, and improved people's overall appearances. However, more and more people are finding this type of content to be fake and inauthentic. In 2023, people are more likely to connect with those who seem "real." Rather than focusing on slick editing or perfect appearances, social media posts are more likely to succeed if they connect more directly with people, addressing their needs and helping solve their problems.


While it is not always easy to regularly post images, videos, or other updates to social media, maintaining a consistent schedule can be crucial in the modern landscape. This can help meet people's expectations and ensure that they regularly "tune in" to view updates. It can also encourage interaction as people comment on posts or videos, ask questions, and provide their own insights into the topics being discussed.

Promoting Worthy Causes

More and more businesses are finding success on social media by showing that they care about causes that are important to people. Whether this means supporting the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for action to prevent climate change, or fighting against human trafficking, businesses that take a stand to support causes they believe in can often stand out from the crowd. However, when addressing these issues on social media, it is important to be authentic. If a company seems to just be following the examples of others and supporting causes that seem trendy, this could do more harm than good. Sharing messages that a firm truly believes in and engaging with others who support a cause can be a great way to connect with potential clients.

Contact Our Social Media Marketing Professionals

Even though the social media landscape is constantly evolving, these channels continue to be an essential way for law firms and other businesses to promote themselves, connect with customers, and demonstrate their value. While the strategies discussed above can be a good focus for 2023, it is likely that new trends will develop and other channels will become available. At OVC, INC., we can help you stay on top of these changes and ensure that you can continue to maintain a winning digital marketing strategy. To learn more about how we can help you make the most of social media in 2023, contact our digital marketing experts at 630-635-8000.

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