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Video Marketing Builds Trust with Prospective Clients

 Posted on March 24,2016 in Online Videos

video marketing, OVC Online Marketing for LawyersWe have talked before about the growing popularity of social media sites overall, and, in particular, the connective power of Facebook and its one billion-plus users. Facebook is one of the three most-visited sites in the world and, depending upon the reporting outlet, typically holds the number three spot in website popularity rankings. Number one is hardly surprising, as Google and its search capabilities generate more traffic than any other site. The second most popular site also makes sense, but may not come immediately to mind if you were asked. The video-sharing site YouTube also boasts more than a billion unique monthly visitors, a clear reflection of a cultural shift toward online video as a communication tool.

A Social Phenomenon

Not all that long ago, individuals, companies, and marketers relied almost exclusively on text and pictures—think roadside billboards and email campaigns. Unless you were willing to invest in television advertising, video played a very small, if any, role in your company's outreach strategies. Today, that is clearly no longer the case.

To illustrate the point, consider the evolution of the cell phone, which began as a large, bulky device that was literally just a mobile telephone. Eventually, text messaging capabilities were added, and cell phones began to shrink in size and weight. Then, cameras became part of the expected hardware, and by the time Apple released the first iPhone in 2007, screens had already started to get larger again. The growth in cell phone technology has been largely fueled by users’ desire to capture and share video and other visual media, which, in turn, has led to the explosive popularity of online video and sites like YouTube.

Video Helps Build Relationships

If you have watched more than hour of television in the last month, you have probably seen at least one ad in which you were being shouted at by a salesperson or actor with all of the personal connection of a carnival barker. While you may or may not remember the product or service being advertised, the presentation likely did very little to instill trust in the company. Online video, however, allows you to do just that. By taking the time to engage with your potential clients regarding who you are, your firm’s values, and what they can expect from you, you can lay a solid foundation for a potential business relationship.

Of course, your prospective customers will need to know your videos exist before they can have such an effect, so strategic placement is an important part of the equation. You will probably maintain a variety of engaging videos on your company website, but getting users to your site to view them requires additional effort. Carefully chosen, relevant videos can also be posted directly to Facebook and Twitter to generate views and open a dialogue with many more potential clients.

We Can Help

If you are looking for ways to expand your firm’s reach, consider video marketing with assistance from OVC, INC. Our experienced team can help you develop a focused strategy and create high-quality videos that are both visually appealing and informative. Contact our office today at 630-635-8000 to learn more about how video marketing can set your firm apart from all the rest.







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