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How Does the Length of a Website’s Content Affect SEO?

 Posted on March 31,2022 in Website Content

legal website professionalsEvery website needs content that provides value to its users. This content may describe the products or services a company offers, share information about a firm, or otherwise provide people with a reason to visit and interact with the site. The quality of content is a key aspect of search engine optimization (SEO), since Google or other search engines use the information on a site to determine whether it will be helpful for people who are searching for specific terms or looking for answers to their questions. However, while website owners may understand that they need to include helpful, informative content, they may be unsure about how long each page should be, how content should be formatted, or what they can do to make sure their site ranks well in search results.

Finding the Right Content-Length

Unfortunately, there are no specific rules about the best length for content. In fact, Google has stated that content length is not a factor considered when determining a site’s search rankings. Instead, it looks at whether content answers people’s questions and provides the information they are looking for. This means that the ideal length of content will vary depending on how well the topic covered on a certain page is explained, as well as the overall experience that users have when visiting a site.

To ensure that a website provides sufficient information, SEO experts generally recommend that website pages include at least 300 words of content, although content of around 200 words may be appropriate for product descriptions. However, longer content may provide more benefits, since it will more fully explain a topic and answer people’s questions. It will also offer the opportunity to include more variations on the keywords that people may be searching for, including “long tail” keywords that may show up when people perform more specific searches for less-common topics.

It is also important to make sure content is readable. In many cases, when people click through to a site from search results and see a long blog of text, they find this intimidating, and they are more likely to click the “back” button rather than reading the content or interacting with the website. To make content more appealing, it is a good idea to include headings that provide an understanding of what is covered on different sections of the page, break up text into smaller paragraphs, and use bullet points to provide quick summaries of the topics being discussed. This will make a page much more readable and encourage people to spend more time on a site after they find it through an online search.

Contact Our Website Content Creation Experts

At OVC, INC., we build high-quality websites that are visually appealing and include well-written, informative content, and we also provide blog-writing services to make sure websites are updated regularly with helpful information. We also make sure the websites, content, and blogs we create follow SEO best practices to ensure that they will rank well in online searches and help firms connect with customers. To learn how we can help you create the quality content your website needs, contact our SEO and content creation professionals today at 630-635-8000.




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